Saturday, 5 March 2016


After completing the draft versions of my front cover, contents page and double page spread I went to a media teacher at Wyke College for feedback on my media product and what I can do to improve.

 I also asked some media students and individuals that I knew would represent my target audience quite well, being that they were between the ages of 15-30, they liked Rock music, as well as other factors that I have discussed.

Front Cover

My media teacher determined that the my front cover was probably the strongest product of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Most of the feedback on my front cover was positive, saying that they liked the masthead because it was very conventional to the Indie Rock genre, the sell lines would represent the idelogies of my target audience, etc. However, I chose to focus more on the negative points as I was looking to improve my media product, so here are the three key criticisms that I chose to work on:

- "It isn't conventional for there to be more than one exclusive in one issue of a music magazine."

- "The sell lines on the bottom half of the page are too close to the feature story."

- "I don't like the warp effect on your feature story."

The majority of the feedback that I was given from a media student and some individuals representing my target audience was also positive, e.g. the sell lines are good and relevant to the genre, but here are some examples of the feedback I receieved:

- "Looking at your front cover, it portrays the codes and conventions of an Indie Rock magazine. With the chosen colour scheme and various conventions, which help enhance the type of genre."

- "I think the subheadings that are placed inside the coloured bubbles do not represent the Indie Rock genre very well, as it has more connotations of a pop magazine".

- "I like the model used for the front cover." (& dps)

- "I don't like the warp effect on the feature story."

One issue that I had with the feedback that I was given was that one of my media teachers said that they thought the colour used on my front cover was conventional of the genre and even suggested I added more colour. Then on the other hand, a media student suggested that my front cover was too colourful and perhaps I should remove some of the colour. However, I understand that sometimes this may be the case with feedback being mixed, so I had to test the validity of both pieces of feedback and judge what is  the most valid. Evidently, I did eventually determine the feedback from my media teacher to be more valid and did keep with the more colourful style.

Contents Page

Of the three media products, my media teacher was the most critical of my contents page. There were some positive things said about the product, like how the band index works well and is conventional to the Indie Rock genre, the stories on the left hand side have a good layout, etc. However there were more negative comments or things that needed adding on this product than there was previously on my front cover, such as:

- "You should add the 'Sounds. Bringing The Indie Sound' bit from your masthead on the front cover."

- "You wouldn't have an article like that on your contents page".

- "You wouldn't see 'tickets on sale now!' on a contents page".

- "Have to add a page number to link to 'THE WOLVES."

- "Add more photos".

An individual representing my target audience said that there is "too much text on the contents page which makes it look a bit cramped." However, they did also say that "I like the 'contents' font, as it suits the look of a contents page."

Double Page Spread

For my double page spreaed, I recieved very little negative feedback/constructive criticism, as most of the feedback that I recieved was positive. My media teacher included that the images used on the dps were well placed and of a good quality, they said they liked the title, the general layout and the large 'C' in the background of the text, etc.
However, there was still some constructive criticism on this media product, such as:
- "The page numbers should stand out more."
- "There is no need for the 'HEAVY' logo on both corners of the page."
- "You need to add an anchorage and a pull qoute."
I also recieved some feedback from another media student and a couple individuals who would represent my target audience:
- "You dont need so many drop caps, remove some of them."
- "The general layout of your double page spread is good, including the images and text."

- "I like the style of the C in the background of the text."

- "There are two many drop caps."

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